Client Reviews

Mr. Will Stavros is an excellent attorney. He represented me on my dui charge. He was very professional and had immense knowledge about the existing law and how it worked. I, in total had about 18 citations and the state was asking for jail time. I was amazed by his proficiency in logical reasoning...


Will Stavros is a outstanding criminal defense attorney. He is responsive, thorough and creative in his advice. I immediately developed trust and confidence in him due to his vast wealth of knowledge and experience. I found him to be extremely efficient and cost effective given my complex situation...


Attorney William Stavros is "Simply The Best". He represented me a few years ago on the Eastern Shore in Ocean City for minor drug offense. Great outcome. Recently had a nerve wrecking serious offense 3rd time DUI on the upper Eastern Shore. There was no doubt whatsoever that I wanted Mr. Stavros as...


A few months back my daughter found herself in some legal trouble. A friend of ours suggested we contact Mr. Stavros. We set up a consultation with Mr. Stavros were he outline all of the potential pitfalls in our case. Once we retained Mr. Stavros on our case he immediately went into high gear...


Mr. Stavros was the answer to my prayer! This was for us, a first time experience with a serious traffic offense for my son, so of course we were unnerved at the prospect of going to court. Mr. Stavros was very professional, knowledgeable and sincerely interested in helping us through the process...


As most people probably are, I was scared at the thought of being in need of an attorney. Will Stavros calmed my fears professionally and delicately. I am a young mother that had little time to deal with the seriousness of my case. Will was incredibly informative and made sure I understood what my...


We were all very pleased with the outcome of my son’s case. I wanted to thank you for all of your help with my son’s case. I was very impressed when we met with you the first time for our free consultation. You had already done a lot of background research and informed us of what to expect and...


Mr. Stavros proved himself a master strategist In the course of many years, I have been associated with several attorneys on a professional basis. None of those can even come close to William Stavros. This exceptional attorney assisted me in a serious traffic matter that could have ruined my...


I will certainly recommend his services in the future to anyone who finds themselves in a legal bind "Mr Stavros is very knowledgeable and respectful to his clients. When I hired him as my attorney, he was always willing to make time to discuss my case with me. He put forth a great amount of time...


Mr. Stavros, you have my highest recommendation -- "Dear Mr. Stavros I want to thank you so much for the time and effort you applied towards my case. You took extra time and discussed all of my concerns on several occasions before court. You also provided excellent suggestions for me to complete...


I can confidently recommend Mr. Stavros' legal professional services "As a Maryland attorney, I can confidently recommend Mr. Stavros' legal professional services. He is been my number one referral source for individuals who have a need for traffic or criminal cases, in large part due to his...


I would gladly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a lawyer. Will made what was a terrible situation better by being available and attentive. My questions and concerns were always answered and addressed, and complex issues were explained and options presented. His thorough knowledge of law...


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